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Dzogchen - The Pure View - to see with mind unclouded

Currently Viewing


  • The Nondual Level

    By Ken Wilber  In the previous causal level, you are so absorbed in the unmanifest dimension ...

  • Rigpa Moment

    Dudjom Rinpoche That moment is like taking a hood off your head. What boundless ...

  • The practitioner of Self-Liberation

    By Patrul Rinpoche  The practitioner of self-liberation is like an ordinary person as far as ...

  • Milarepa’s Three Nails of Meditation

    Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche All thoughts in being dharmakaya are free. The nature of ...

  • The Real Buddha

    Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche The real buddha is the nature of our mind. Right now, our buddha ...

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