According to Natural Liberation by Padmasambhava it is possible to attain the dream state in only 30 days or at most in 2-3 months – at least once – even if one has broken Samayas (tantric wows) by doing Vajrasattva (tib. Dorje Sempa, eng. Diamond Mind) purification mantras. In this article Shiva Bear has summarized the ancient text into Sadhana form (loosely: meditation guide) for the readers convenience.

The practice is in three parts:
- Daytime practice (This post)
- Night time practice
- Advice on overcoming difficulties
Daytime practices – The Illusory body
First cultivate motivation by reciting the following prayer:
“May all sentient beings throughout space achieve perfect Buddha-hood! For that purpose, I shall meditate on the natural liberation of appearances trough the instructions on the illusory body” – Natural Liberation
Follow the prayer with offerings and then conclude cultivation of motivation with the following prayer:
“Bless me that I may practice the illusory body.
Bless me that I May realize the illusion-like Samadhi” – Natural Liberation
Then place a mirror in front of you in arm’s length and look at your mirror image while your praise yourself and perhaps wear jewelry and so on. If please or displease arises from viewing your image in the mirror think:
“Each time there arises pleasure due to praise of this body, which is like the reflection in a mirror, you are confused. This body is simply an appearance due to an aggregation of dependently related causes and conditions, but in reality it has never existed. Why do you grasp onto it as yourself and take pleasure in it?” – Natural Liberation
Then let your reflection dissolve into your own body and meditate that your body is appearing but without having any appearing inherent nature. At times contemplate the Buddha’s teachings on emptiness.
Meditate like this for a “long time” [Shiva Bear: and many times]. Training your mind like this helps you to realize the illusion of the body.
To realize the illusion of speech go to a place that gives echo alone and shout out many words; good and bad ones. Notice that when you hear the echo there is no grasping. In the same way practice listening to your own speech as an echo, that is, without grasping.
To realize thoughts as being an illusion think off or observe a mirage and think:
“Just as it cannot be found by going into search of it, the assemblage of the thoughts that move the mind is also without an inherent nature like a mirage.” – Natural Liberation.
[Shiva Bear: Or practice Vipassana to achieve insight into the nature of thoughts.] After meditating on the illusion of the body it is time to generate the Pure Illusory Body.
Pure Illusory Body
Cultivate the same motivation as before:
“May all sentient beings throughout space achieve perfect Buddha -hood! For that purpose, I shall meditate on the natural liberation of appearances trough the instructions on the illusory body”. – Natural Liberation
Follow the prayer with offerings and then conclude cultivation of motivation with the following prayer:
“Bless me that I may practice the illusory body.
Bless me that I May realize the illusion-like Samadhi” – Natural Liberation

Then meditate in a normal seated position [Shiva Bear: or in the 7-point posture of Vairocana] and bring to mind Vajrasattva in front of you and meditate that his white light is broken into 5 kinds of rainbow light hitting in many places and then:
“Meditate on that glorious body, which appears but is, without an inherent nature, as your mental object.” – Natural Liberation
Alternatively one can use a picture of ones Guru and look at him through a crystal or prism.
Then clearly focus on the pure body of Vajrasattva and let his pure body dissolve into yours. Meditate you have now the body of Vajrasattva. Know that with this body you will be liberated.
This concludes “Part 1: – Achieving the dream state in 30 days – Daytime practice” If you would like to read more Pure Teachings by Shiva Bear follow this link: or for Dream Yoga
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