Sherab Namgyal / November 22, 2014

A 40 Day Chant for Abundance, Peace, Health and Spiritual Realization for All in the New Year!


the path ahead

Today I am going to start a 40 day Mantra Discipline that will end on New Year’s Eve. I am chanting for Abundance, Peace, Health and Spiritual Realization in the New Year for all.

Will you join me?

Starting today the discipline will end on New Years Eve.

Here are the Mantras I will be doing:

1. Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha

2. Om Gum Shrim MahaLakshmiyei Namah

3. Om Vakra Tundaya Hum

4. Om Shri Davantre Namaha

5. Om Vajra Sattwa Hung

6. Om Astai Shvaryayei Namaha

7. Om Vasupradaya Namaha

8. Om Artha Karaya Namaha

9. Om Shambhu Shankaraya Namaha

10. Om Namah Shivaya

11. Aham Prema

Don’t worry if you join later than November 22nd – just keep going into the New Year the amount of days you started late:-)

While chanting these powerful chants – visualize what you want to manifest.

You can do 1 mala each Mantra or more – it is up to you.

Happy Chanting!

with love,

Aly M. Dunne

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