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The Discourse concerning Malunkyaputta - The Pure View - to see with mind unclouded

Sherab Namgyal / June 28, 2014

The Discourse concerning Malunkyaputta


The Discourse concerning MalukyaputtaThe Discourse concerning Malunkyaputta is from the Connected Discourse Collection (Samyutta Nikaya) of the Pali Canon and it is one the few that deals directly with meditation practice. It describes how the Buddha leads the monk Malunkyaputta through a series of questions and answers meant to bring him to a more complete understanding of reality. The instructions begins:

In what is seen there must be only what is seen, in what is heard there must be only what is heard, in what is sensed there must be only what is sensed, in what is cognized there must be only what is cognized.

Download the free ebook here (13 pages/200 KB):

PDF downloadThe Discourse concerning Malunkyaputta



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