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Realizing Change – Vipassana Meditation in Action by Ian Hetherington - The Pure View - to see with mind unclouded

Sherab Namgyal / October 19, 2014

Realizing Change – Vipassana Meditation in Action by Ian Hetherington


Realizing ChangeRealizing Change – Vipassana Meditation in Action by Ian Hetherington was published in 2003 by the non-profit organization Pariyatti. Vipassana is an ancient meditation technique of India. The Buddha discovered it, attained full enlightenment using it and made it the essence of this teaching, which spread throughout the Indian subcontinent and then on to neighboring countries. For five hundreds years Vipassana flourished in India but then eventually it became polluted and was lost there. However, in Burma (now Myanmar) a chain of devoted teachers maintained the theory and the practice of the technique from over the centuries. This books give both an introduction to the meditation technique, practical guidance and it contains essays on how the practises are implemented in different walks of modern life. Download Realizing Change – Vipassana Meditation in Action here (253 pages/:4.1MB):

PDF ebook downloadRealizing Change


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